I love when you randomly find books on either a book list online or just grab a book at the library because you liked the cover. The two books I will talk about I found online, both book lists, both recommended. I was not disappointed this time. The books are:
"Of Bees and Mist" by Erick Setiawan
"Calling Invisible Women" by Jeanne Ray

"Of Bees and Mist" was one of those books, like "The Night Circus", that makes you really use your imagination. However, Erick Setiawan's style is different. Yes, he incorporates a lot of superstition and he has been obviously influenced by women in his life, but he makes you think. I loved rooting for Meridia, the main character of the book. The story starts when she is only 16 years old and ends when she is a full woman and a mother.
The main conflict is the relationship she has with her mother-in-law, but also how the relationship between her husband and his mother affects her marriage. Oh, to have such a conniving and nosy mother-in-law! I really do not think I could do it. I would just not have someone like that in my life. Which is what ends up happening, but it's the passage to getting there that is so evocative of strong emotions.
Erick touches on the 'mama's boy' character, that is sometimes missing as a strong one in some books. Here, Daniel is a big one, that you like and really want to smack too. You feel for him, yet you also get angry at what he does.
See? To have an author make you feel like the characters are real, well, that is talent. To also know this is Erick's debut novel, just confounds me and others (as per comments and reviews). If you have a list on the go, please add this one. You will not be disappointed. I took my time with this book, and you will find too that you have to actually read it slow, to make let it work its magic. This is definitely not a book to rush read.
Now, for "Calling Invisible Women"... Who hasn't felt invisible at some time in their lives? I know I have, not for long, but sometimes, our lives take over and we forget ourselves. I do not think it is anybody's fault but our own. We have to make sure to let others see us, hear us, care for us, but we also have to do that for our own selves.
This novel by Jeanne Ray, is about a middle-aged lady who literally starts going invisible, hence, the title. Oh, but she is not the only one. It is a heart-warming story and again, it made me think. Not only because, I may have felt the same as the main character, Clover, but also because if this really did happen, would I notice it? Would I notice it if it happened to a friend? How many people have we ignored? How many are invisible to you, yet they are there, existing.
I really, really liked this story. I may be biased because I am married and a mother, but I am sure any woman will feel the same. I am sure men must feel the same, it is just written in a female point of view, so I can relate more.
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